Varenr. 504474

fischer Montasjeskinne FUS 41/2.0 - 2 m syrefast A4

Viktige funksjoner
  • A4 highly corrosion-resistant steel.
  • Scaling on the mounting rails.
  • Long slots for greater flexibility during installation.

Fordelene / Produktbeskrivelse

The universal and complete mounting channel system for a wide range of applications.
  • Den samme skinnegrunngeometrien garanterer bruken av det omfangsrike tilbehørssortimentet for alle skinnemål
  • Den utpregede fortanningen i skinnen tilbyr skyvemutteren sikkert hold for opptak av høye tverrlaster som f.eks. ved vertikal montering
  • Ulike skinneveggstyrker tillater en økonomisk skinneutforming
  • Skaleringen på monteringsskinnene forenkler tilskjæring og plassering av påmonteringsdeler ved monteringen
The fischer channel FUS is the base element of the universal channel system FUS for medium-weight loads. The mounting channel consists of a C-profile in three design heights and three double design heights with defined teeth that offer a secure hold for the construction elements of the FUS system and enable the efficient fixing of pipelines and supporting structures. The scaling makes it easier to cut the profiles to size and to position the connectors. The galvanised zinc design is suitable for installations in buildings and the hot-dip galvanised and stainless steel design is suitable for installations outside and in highly corrosive environments. The fire protection certificate as per MLAR/EN13501 offers added safety.

Søknad og godkjenning

  • Secure horizontal and vertical installations
  • Fast and efficient fixing of pipelines and supporting structures



Tekniske data

Lengde 2.000 mm
Profilvekt 2,06 kg/m
Styrke (
2 mm
Profiltverrsnitt 2,52 cm²
Treghetsmoment (
5,33 cm4
Treghetsmoment (
7,69 cm4
Motstandsmoment (
2,58 cm³
Motstandsmoment (
3,75 cm³
Maks. anbefalt last ved 1 m lengde (
1,65 kN
Maks. anbefalt last ved 2m lengde (
0,64 kN
Antall pr. pak 1 St.
GTIN (EAN-Code) 4048962063097
NOBB 60628825
NRF 1359908

Dokumenter for nedlasting

Load case 1 / 2 / 3
FUS 21/1,5 - FUS 21/2,0
FUS 21/2,5 - FUS 41/1,5
FUS 41/2,0 - FUS 41/2,5
FUS 62/2,5 - FUS 21D/2,0
FUS 41D/2,5 - FUS 62D/2,5
Channel system FUS. The universal and comprehensive system.