Varenr. 561253

fischer Skinneskive HK 41 17 elforsinket

Fordelene / Produktbeskrivelse

Channel washer HK 41 for mounting channel installation tailored to the profile
  • U-formen til holdekloen forhindrer virksomt oppbøyning av profilen
  • Gjennom formen til holdekloen er gjennomstikksmonteringen av skinneprofiler mulig enkelt og hurtig
The fischer channel washer HK 41 is a connector that is used to stabilise the mounting channel profile. The U-shape of the channel washer effectively prevents the profile from bending. Its form also enables a quick and easy push-through installation. fischer offers the HK41 with the standard perforations 8.5 mm, 10.5 mm, and 12.5 mm. The galvanised zinc design is suitable for installations in buildings and the hot-dip galvanised and stainless steel designs are suitable for installations outside and in highly corrosive environments. The fire protection certificate offers added safety.

Søknad og godkjenning

  • Holdeklo for stabilisering av profilen



Tekniske data

Hulldiameter (
17 mm
Antall pr. pak 50 St.
GTIN (EAN-Code) 4048962432817
NOBB 60629500
NRF 1360583