Angle bracket PWK - high stability of supporting structures

Vinkelkonsoll PWK

The fischer angle bracket PWK is suitable for the reinforcement of the fischer mounting channel FUS and for lateral fixing with the substrate. The angle bracket provides a supporting structure with really high stability thanks to its design. The galvanised zinc design is suitable for installations in buildings and the hot-dip galvanised and stainless steel designs are suitable for installations outside and in highly corrosive environments.
ProduktvarianterNedlastning av bilde


3 produktvariant(er)
maks. anbefalt sentr. trekklast for FUS 2,0 mm
maks. anbefalt sentr. trekklast for FUS 2,5 mm
maks. anbefalt tverrtrekk
Tiltrekningsdreiemoment ved skruegods ≥ 8,8
Antall pr. pak
Viste 3 av 3 variant(er)

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