DuoPower ETA Universalplugg

Product variantsNedlastning av bilde

Product variants

Approvals / Test reports
3 Product variant (s)
Nominell diameter boremaskin
Min. borehullsdybde
Min. innskruingsdybde
min. forankringsdybde
Max. Nyttelengde
Legend = Permission Available = Permission not Available
Viewed 3 of 3 variant (s)

The advantages / Product description

Youtube VideoYoutube VideoYoutube Video

Application and approval

  • ETA-22/0512
  • DoP No. 0323

Assembly instruction

Montasjebilde 1
1 / 4
Montasjebilde 2
1 / 4

Documents for download

European Technical Assessment for fischer universal plug DuoPower ETA - Plastic anchors for multiple use in in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications
Created on 04.11.2022
DOP - Ytelseserklæring
pdf, DoP No. 0323
Declaration of Performance for universal plug DuoPower ETA (Plastic anchor for use in concrete and masonry)
Created on 24.11.2022
Universal plug DuoPower - Permissible loads of a single anchor as part of a multiple fixing of non-structural systems.